10 Details the Secret Service Doesnt Want You to Know

Update: On November 13, the Washington Postal service reported that more than 130 Secret Service agents were ordered to isolate or quarantine because they tested positive for Covid-19 or came into close contact with infected co-workers. The spread is believed to be linked to campaign rallies that President Trump held in the ramp-up to the November 3 election. In recent weeks, many members of the President'due south inner circumvolve —including White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany—have tested positive for Covid-nineteen.

On Sunday October 4, President Trump briefly left Walter Reed National Armed services Medical Center, where he was being treated for Covid-nineteen, and got into a black SUV to drive past a crowd of supporters who had gathered outside the hospital. The windows of the vehicle were kept airtight, but onlookers and camera crews were able to see Trump in the back seat, wearing a mask and waving. They were likewise able to meet ane of ii Hugger-mugger Service agents seated in the front of the car a few feet from the President, wearing a Due north-95 mask and protective eye gear and staring straight ahead.

Information technology was supposed to be a prove of strength and gratitude to political supporters, but the photograph op was quickly met with harsh criticism as members of the medical customs expressed alarm at the risk of infection the ride posed for the ii members of the President's protection particular. Dr. James Phillips, an attending doc at Walter Reed who is serves equally chief of disaster medicine at George Washington University, chosen the event, "political theater."

The White Firm disputed claims that the President'southward determination contradicted medical guidance. "Appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this motility to protect the President and all those supporting information technology, including PPE," Judd Deere, a White House spokesman, told the New York Times via e-mail on Sunday night. "The movement was cleared past the medical team as rubber to do."

The public is accustomed to seeing members of the Secret Service scanning crowds, running alongside motorcades, and even tackling gunmen. Personal risk is function of their job. Simply what happens if the danger comes from the President? Tin an amanuensis contradict a President's wishes or alter their own protective measures? And are there any circumstances in which an agent could refuse an order?

Town & Country asked Chris Falkenberg, a one-time special agent in the United States Secret Service and founder of Insite Risk Direction, about the dangers facing agents and the spoken and unspoken rules of serving in the Secret Service.

pres george h w bush jogging at ft mcnair followed by secret service man  photo by diana walkerthe life images collection via getty images
Pres. George H. W. Bush jogging at Ft. McNair followed by undercover service human, 1989

Diana Walker

And so first of all, tin can the President refuse protection?

The President is obligated past law to take Secret Service protection. Vice President Pence, former President Neb Clinton, former Starting time Lady Laura Bush, they are all Secret Service protectees, simply they tin say, "I don't want you anymore," and the Hush-hush Service says, "Give thanks yous very much, goodbye." The President may non practice that. So the President is sort of stuck with the Secret Service.

Tin the President enquire for sure measures to exist modified?

There are plenty of agents who have counseled a President not to do something he wanted to do. That happens all the time. And those disputes are resolved i way or the other, and they're not always resolved in the favor of the Hole-and-corner Service.

For example, if there is an upshot programme where the President is going to walk on an elevated phase from a podium to a seating surface area, and the Secret Service says, "This is really bad. We have no high ground coverage, there's a lot of exposure to small arms burn, we cannot secure these areas, and it is not safety," the [White House] staff has definitely said, "All right, we'll motion it around, we'll find something else."

I imagine there have been times in the about 120 years that the Underground Service has been doing this job that the staff has said, "Notice a style to practise it. The President is going to do this, yous're not going to tell them not to do it, then make it work."

secret service man climbing onto president kennedy's car
Underground Service Agent Clint Hill jumps onto the back of the motorcade to protect Jacqueline Kennedy, after President Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963. Hill rode on the back of the limousine all the mode to Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Bettmann Getty Images

white house policeman receiving aid after shooting

Can you imagine a situation in which an agent would say, "This puts my life at risk," and refuse to practise something?

Agents put their lives at run a risk every day. The departure hither is that if we knew, for example, that nosotros were going into a crowded area and at that place were people with guns, then there's no mode the President would go, right? They would cancel that stop.

In this example, yous're request them to get into a situation that they know is super dangerous, and there are a very small number of things you can do to reduce the danger. Looking at the Northward-95 mask and eye protection that the agent in the right front seat had on, you can see they did what they could.

I'chiliad not aware of an opt-out where an agent can say, "Hey, this is really dangerous. I don't want to do this." No, that is non the fashion it rolls. It is opposite to the modus operandi of the Secret Service. It is inconsistent with what is expected of them in their chapters as agents.

As a onetime agent, what is your impression of this drive-by?

The Secret Service has had people who tested positive for Covid so perchance at that place were people on the shift who had tested positive previously and accept some serological antibodies. So maybe that was able to happen. I don't know how else y'all would accost this. It's very difficult.

james brady lying wounded
Clandestine Service agents and bystanders blitz to help during the March 1981 assassination effort on Ronald Reagan. Secret Service Agent Timothy McCarthy was hit and Press Secretary James Brady (in blueish suit with two men over him) was permanently disabled from injuries sustained in the assault.

Historical Getty Images

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Source: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/politics/a34274528/secret-service-code-conduct-trump-walter-reed-drive-by/

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