What Members of the Brass Family Are Featured Playing Solos in the Twelfth Variation?


What members of the brass family are featured playing solos in the twelfth variation? britten, young person's guide?

2 answers:

7 0

<u>Trombones and Tuba </u> are the members of the brass family that are featured playing solos in the twelfth variation.

Further Explanation:

The instruments of "contumely family" are made of contumely. This family unit of "instruments" can play 'louder' than whatsoever other 'musical instrument' in the 'orchestra' and the sound of these instruments can be heard from the distance or far away. Though the early on ancestors are called to accept been formed or made of tusks, wood, shells or animal horns, nowadays all the modern instruments are made up of brass. These instruments are basically very 'long pipes' that are wide at the ends into a "bell-like shape".

The "brass family" is used in the "orchestra" include the Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, and French horn.

<u>TROMBONE:</u> The "trombone" is the only "instrument" in the contumely family which uses a slide rather than "valves" to modify pitch. It is made up of long 'sparse contumely pipes'.

<u>TUBA:</u><u> </u>It is considered as the "grandfather" of the "brass family". It is the lowest and largest brass instrument. It anchors the 'harmony' not merely of the "contumely family" only the whole "orchestra" with its deep and rich audio.

Acquire More:

one. Aye, music is the authorized distributor for products of trompa instruments, a pop manufacturer of trumpets and other brass instruments. Yes, music purchases products from trompa and distributes them to music stores across the country. What kind of intermediary function does aye music perform for trompa?

<u>brainly.com/question/4665672 </u>

2. the primary purpose of metaphor and simile is to

<u>brainly.com/question/1489426 </u>

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Answer Details:

Class: High School

Chapter: Contumely family

Discipline: Music and Arts


instruments, brass family, orchestra, trombone, tuba, trumpet, French horn, harmony

six 0

The answer is the trombones and tuba. The French horns proclaim the kickoff of the 10th diverseness [ix:35– 10:twenty] took after by trumpets in the eleventh variety. This exhibit of the metallic family closes with a twelfth variety highlighting trombones and tuba [10:55– xi:51]. The remainder of the varieties, number thirteen, grandstands a broad range of percussion instruments in blend with the timpani. Listen first for bass pulsate and cymbals, trailed by tambourine and triangle, at that signal the take hold of drum and forest square, trailed by xylophone, at that betoken castanets and gong, and, at final, the whip.

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I learned from 6th grade history class.



Answer is C or the third option.

From guild's standpoint, Bunco is non considered to be economically desirable.

In collusion, the existing business establishments could grouped up together in club to put their ain marking up on the production price that exist in the market.
This would lead to a situation when consumers are forced to pay higher prices for their products since there is no competitions that offer the depression priced products.

Reply: An oligarchy


What is an oligarchy?

An oligarchy is an dominance structure in which only the few have the paper to rule. They take sufficient power to influence change that is in their favour without considering the rest of other people .

The power is amidst those individuals and the word is taken from Greek work oligarkhes which refers governing by the few. Nether oligarchy the richest groups are called a plutocracy. An oligarchy occurs anywhere in politics in which rich individuals are capable of influencing political leaders to act on their favour.

In monarch government they will influence the king using the wealth.


- Decisions are focused and fabricated only by leaders from those pocket-sized leading teams without involving anybody

- People can proceed with their own prevarication activities whilst those in authority handles every major issue faced by the citizens.

- In that location are no run a risk taking path simply maintaining status quo is what matters.


- it benefits the few who keep getting richer and richer

- it focuses on the few and no one else has the power to enter through this system.

- There is no diverseness merely unmarried views from single individual.

- There are lot of disharmonize when people don't desire to follow


Source: https://en-ya.guru/social_studies/question-3218574.html

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