You Cancelled Out the Freddy Movie q you Will Never Ever Be Sucking It Up Again

The L Word: Generation Q (TV Series 2019– ) Poster

5 /10

L is for lost

I'm biased in writing this since I'm comparing the original simply one can't aid practise that when some of the aforementioned bandage members are in this one. What I loved about the first one was it's rawness, information technology's artiness, it'south intellect. No i, too Bette mayhap, was established and you're watching this group of gay friends find their way in life with all the drama in tow. Some storylines were risqué for the time, which made it all the more interesting. Cut to now and all of our beloved characters are well established, living these high flying lives that only seems so untrue to the characters that they were and it takes away a certain quality and relatability from them. Nosotros're now expected to find this in these new characters merely the writing just doesn't quite alive upward to that same quirky standard. I understand this is a different testify and perhaps they had to sell it that way to bring information technology back, perhaps they felt they needed a younger generation for a younger audience to relate to. It'south non a bad evidence and the new characters aren't terrible, but there'southward a sure depth missing here. In that location was more to the L Word than diplomacy, information technology was about power dynamics, whilst at the same time beingness goofy and at times off the wall. GQ seems lost in a soap opera way drama and that comedic aspect seems absent-minded. Which for an audience still deprived of real representation in the mainstream, might not seem that bad, merely for others expecting more than than this, you'll likely be disappointed.

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3 /ten

Something's wrong

I loved the original L Word so much so that I watched all seasons three times. Something felt off from the starting time scene of Generation Q. Bad writing? Bad directing? Bad gear up design or filming? I missed the homegrown feeling of the original Fifty Word. I but didn't experience connected to any of the new characters or the former characters reprising roles. It didn't menstruum like the former serial. I am non a critic. I can merely share my feel. I couldn't wait for the former series' new episodes. It took me five tries to terminate the kickoff episode of Genetation Q. I don't know what information technology will take for me to get motivated to spotter episode ii. Maybe they should've kept the show'southward main location at Bette's sister'southward coffee shop. I call back younger viewers unfamiliar with the original L Discussion might receive this new series better than those of u.s.a. who tuned in for flavour i, episode 1 from the day it premiered.

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one /x

Sad Downward Spiral

This is my fourth rewrite and probably my last. After season i of the reboot, I mused about giving it 5 or vi stars and ended up with vii because despite its many flaws, I couldn't turn away. Season 2 does zippo to address those flaws and only amplifies them.

At the heart of the issue is the truly dismal writing and recycled plots. What I mean by the latter is that every episode feels like the last -- lovers hook upward for a 45 minute human relationship, go their separate ways, and motility on to someone else in the circle. A long term relationship is perhaps two episodes. The sex is furtive, clawing, and frantic Passion quickly turns to disillusionment. Couples mate and run. There's most no romance or tenderness to be found.

Many user reviews criticize the interim and justifiably so. Leisha Haley (Alice) is the only thespian who seems comfy in her role in both seasons. In season two, Kate Moernig (Shane) starts to mature and surprisingly, so does Leo Sheng (Micah). As for the residual of the cast, Jennifer Beals looks similar she knows how desperately her graphic symbol is written and and tin't help turning Bette into a cocky-extravaganza. Jacqueline Toboni, detestable every bit Finley, is completely over the top and slides further downhill every bit the episodes progress.

Shane and Micah are the only ones who evidence the remotest sign of character growth. Given that that the story is fix in LA, yous'd think that someone would be seeing a therapist. And what's with the cinematography? In contrast to the original, the dark interiors make GenQ seem similar moving picture noir without the noir.

Edited excerpts from my review of January, 2020, which followed Season 1:

1. Nice to see several of our favorite characters return to reprise their roles from the original.

2. Permit's face up it -- GenQ is a soap set in an atypical milieu. It'due south not that far from the original in its absurd story lines, it'due south just that the original had more finesse and imagination. It was also educational in the manner it presented the nuances of lesbian culture.

iii. Unlike near of the lesbian and gay couples I know, at that place are no long-term, stable relationships shown hither.

4. At that place are some truly annoying characters -- mainly Finley (Jacqueline Toboni) and Jose (Freddy Miyares), the latter now thankfully gone.

five. Equally for the acting, a lot of it seemed nether-rehearsed or perhaps the product of one or two takes. I have to blame the directors for many of the cringe-worthy performances or for settling for whatever the actors gave them, but it could have been questionable casting.

How many more experienced actors didn't audience or turned down parts because of the graphic sexuality (mainly in Season one) -- deep kisses, gratuitous nude scenes, and mucho faux sex activity. In the original, Jennifer Beals (Bette) was never exposed past her underwear or she discreetly covered her breasts when she was shown naked in bed with a lover (true, as well, of Marlee Matlin, Cybill Shepherd, Jane Lynch, and other A-listers). Clearly she had enough star ability to draw her own lines, while newcomers had to accept what they were offered -- well, it'due south ameliorate than waiting tables forever.

I really don't have a problem with sex scenes, graphic or not, but they need to brand sense in the context of the story. There was something about the graphic sexuality in the original 50-Word that seemed more right, especially in the early Jenny Schecter story line when she'south finding her vocalization as a writer and exploring her sexuality.

half dozen. Equally the hazard of beating this to death, much of the dialogue has existent issues. When I tin can sit down on the couch and practically mouth the side by side lines word-for-give-and-take before the characters speak them, then something'south wrong. Many of the conflicts between the couples were so cliched and devoid of logic, that I had to fast frontwards to the next scene.

This also refers back to my criticism of the directors. A practiced manager knows how to motivate their actors, even when a scene is poorly written, or knows when to transport the script back for a rewrite. Granted at that place must take been time and budget constraints, but the script should be polished before shooting begins and the writers need to be on paw to make revisions when it's clear that something isn't working.

seven. The music truly sucks. The background music, the soppy ballads, and the opening and endmost credit tunes all suck. Where's BETTY when we need them?

Finally, what is it most Showtime, the HBO wannabe, that keeps their dramas from realizing their total potential. Different HBO ("The Sopranos," "The Wire"), AMC ("Breaking Bad," "Improve Call Saul"), Amazon ("Mrs. Maisel," "Fleabag"), and FX ("Fargo"), among others, Outset'due south series are always straining for the top shelf, but never quite reaching it. Subsequently watching episodes of "Dexter," "Shameless," and "Ray Donovan," I came a style with a feeling that they're drawing on a puddle of B-listing writers or that the showrunners (here, Marya-Lewis Ryan) keep underestimating the audience. GenQ feels similar its been dumbed downward for the everyman common denominator.

Is information technology a cultural matter at Showtime's executive level? Granted, HBO has had information technology'south share of turkeys (Alan Ball's atrocious "Here and Now" and the unwatchable "Hello Ladies"), but when they're proficient, they're very, very good.

Compared to the disappointing Flavor ane, Season ii was on such a downwardly spiral that it was barely watchable. I kept hoping for redemption, simply information technology never came. If at that place's a Season 3, I won't exist at that place.

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three /10

Loved the original

This is generally bad acting and unbelievable plot. 90% of the expert acting is from the actors from the commencement series the rest are painfully awkward.

The plot doesn't make sense and isn't realistic. Run into your landlord the first episode, the side by side solar day you're hanging out all the time and they're best friends west your roommates too.

Everyone on the bear witness is constantly having sexual practice like they just met, but are in long term monogamous relationships instead of a focus on deep connectedness, perpetuating stereotypes. Information technology just feels fake and Focused on being weird to be trendy than something dissimilar like the start series.

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1 /ten


If I had to tell someone what this series is and they already watched the original L WORD, I'd say information technology's the equivalent to when Jenny was directing her motion-picture show and she was teaching straight women how to be gay. That's honestly what this series feels like...

I had to look away from the screen at times to practice something else because some of the parts of the episodes were either boring or cringey.

I so wish they would accept casted people with a similar vibe to the OG L Word because the chemistry between these characters and their relationships are very banal, theres no connexion any.

Also Alice's new relationship, for some reason...I can't see why would Alice, who was a socialite vlogger / blogger settle down with a woman who has a bunch of kids? Wouldn't she exist in a high profile relationship??? Someone she could relate to?? I don't come across how a therapist and a talk bear witness host would gel together...

Phone call information technology lazy writing and lack of enquiry of the principal show but this whole thing and then far feels rushed and imbalanced from the starting time. Even how they are explaining what happened in the original serial feels like a dissertation rather than actual acting.

If you're gonna bring back something equally iconic as The 50 Word, it should have actually been handled with more than care, from the writing to the casting. I really hope the prove sees these reviews and take note of them because involvement is whats gonna go along this testify going and I'yard very uninterested in this new L Give-and-take, if i tin even call it that.

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1 /10


Loved the original L Word only this garbage, comes nowhere near it. The characters are dull, the relationships feel fake and cringy, everything nigh this is so terrible that I had to stop watching later 3 episodes.

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10 /10


They did it and they did it correct. They all back with new generation, smooth and nice comback.

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5 /10

Generation... what?

I was beyond thrilled when they announced a revival of the Fifty Word. The testify has go a rite of passage for all queer women - at least those growing up in the mid-naughties like I did.

I watched three episodes - and it left me feeling... uninspired to say the least.

The kickoff episode starts off with a sexual practice scene, a menses sex scene at that. And it was going keen, until it simply kept going and I found myself wondering - why do I care virtually these characters and why am I nonetheless watching this?

The biggest flaw of all is that in that location's not enough information provided with whatever of the characters to make them interesting, or a storyline for that matter. Offset of all, where did Shane become all of her money from? Where is Kit? Weren't Bette and Tina supposed to be in New York?

Information technology seems that all these writers (not the original i) desire to do is shove the diverseness carte in the audition'southward faces, trying to include trans, lantinx and families into the mix. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, in fact I embrace it. But bottom line is I really don't care all that much about these characters, because the writing is not upward to par.

The first series had an interesting linear story: girl moves in with her swain, befriends her lesbian neighbours and discovers her sexuality by having sex activity with an exotic café owner.

We find ourselves wanting to know what happens next. But with the storylines in this serial, the lack of info and moreover - the fact that none of these characters conduct like real people (at least not people I've ever met) I find them just annoying and uninteresting. And that's a huge problem.

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iii /10

Yet Another Bad Reboot

While Roswell: New Mexico is one of the worst reboots (and worst TV shows I've ever seen), Gen Q is a shut second, along with also being probably one of the worst shows I've seen, period. And I've seen a lot. Beingness a large fan of the original 50 Word, information technology pains me to see it go downwards in the fiery flames of a sinking send. Basically, all I tin can promise for is they abolish it and perchance endeavor information technology once more with more competent hands than the newbie, Marja-Lewis Ryan, who has virtually almost no feel. Who in their right mind hires a women with ZERO Television feel to showrun a serial? That doesn't even happen for straight white males in the industry who get everything handed to them on a silver platter, so, I have to ask, how does a women with goose egg TV experience and only an ounce of indie picture experience end upward creating a bear witness? Showtime really must be penniless if other than three of the original cast, they're hiring virtual nobodies, too every bit people with no experience. And, it REALLY shows. Painfully.

The writing, acting, directing, music, near everything is direct up amateur and abysmal. The only brilliant spots are the original cast, who you merely see for about 1/3 of the show, and some of the LA scenery. Other than that, at that place's nothing hither. I was told the show is not practiced, particularly the first episode, but that information technology gets better by the second. If you phone call going from terrible to bad, sure, I guess it gets better. And if non for the original bandage I would not accept made it past the first ten minutes of the pilot episode. I've learned that if the start v minutes of a testify or movies is bad, it almost never gets better from there, and this definitely delivered on that.

It was boring, cliche, the acting is terrible, the director jumps around to and then many characters and storyline, everything gets lost in this muddy swirl of a bad pupil film. It's pretty clear Marja-Lewis Ryan is trying very hard to be a Lena Dunham wannabe, and Gen Q to be the Girls, compared to the L Word'south - Sex activity in the City. On all counts she failed. While Girls is a more accessible show for those who don't identify or chronicle to Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda, Girls is very cleverly written, acted, and done, and the show manages to exist very likable despite the reality that none of those characters would probably be likable in real life.

And while even Girls has some chemical element of fantasy, as we never truly believe Adam Commuter would exist with Lena's grapheme, and is the Jake Ryan to Lena's Molly Ringwald, other than that, it's a fairly realistic portrayal into millennial life. In Gen Q, amidst its many failures is believability. You get more the sense of this being a 12-yr-old girl'due south ideal fantasy of how life should exist rather than what is real. And so, add together immature and unrealistic to the list of flaws. And throw vapid and stereotypes in there, while yous're at it. Basically, it'south a hot mess. I simply call up women and the lesbian community deserve better. While L Word was groundbreaking and benefitted the community in many ways, forth with Ellen, this is like taking a huge step dorsum 15 years. I tin can just imagine those that came out, due to the L Give-and-take, are more likely to stay in the cupboard if they come across this as their representation. Then, cheers Marja for setting u.s. back in time.

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1 /10

The Original Formula worked so well.

I loved the ORIGINAL L. Give-and-take. I loved being transported to the beautiful lush green environment of 50. A. with its sunny java shops and backyard pond pools. I missed watching the twenty-four hour period to twenty-four hour period drama that took place between unique and relatable characters who introduced the states to the creative world of magazine writers, fine art directors and sports figures. Everyone was and so much fun to picket as they gathered in their favourite coffeehouse each with their ain story.

In the sequel we're transported to the globe of office buildings, part rooms and noisy bars filled with uninteresting people. The actresses who so brilliantly played Bette, Shane and Alice in the original seemed uncomfortable and wooden in their roles which was hard to watch. New characters randomly pop in and out with aught unique or special to add. So disappointing. Sadly, I tuned out afterwards four episodes.

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2 /10

It shouldn't even be called The L Word!!!

Review after two epis:

The new showrunner, Maria Lewis Ryan has sorely missed the mark with Gen Q. If I were watching this evidence split up from the original, I wld just find it tiresome and underwhelming; I'd rather sentry Lost Girl, Wynonna, Orphan Black, Sense8 which are way more interesting fifty-fifty Work in Progress which is fabulous and has found a way to portray new queer culture just via plotline.

The reboot is no longer oddly even a lesbian-centric evidence. It'southward well-nigh random things happening to people that but happen to be gay only cld just as easily be hetero and I become that'due south the truth in real life: gay people do nevertheless things straight people do - have jobs, friends, families, lovers, hobbies, passions, etc. Just this is supposed to be entertainment and the whole bespeak of bringing dorsum the show was considering they said that ane gay grapheme on a show isn't enough and they were filling a void that no other show took upward later the OG went off the air and they are notwithstanding to fill that void. that location is a Large difference between existence straight and being gay; it'south why we have gay pride not directly pride. The gay spots and girl parties in NYC look cipher similar what my directly friends practise when they go out. The original showed that. And so far Q hasn't (where'due south the fun too?). I get that the original L Give-and-take was like gay 101 and this isn't the original but shouldn't in that location be some connectedness to the original across Bette, Alice and Shane at least in tone. This new iteration barely talks abt gayness/existence a lesbian and what that's like.

Additionally...Nosotros have no thought why the newbies are fifty-fifty friends. Nosotros've heard very picayune about any of the missing original bandage and they're dragging out plot lines like why Bette is running for mayor and what has Shane so down (I won't spoil it). There's no lesbian meetup spot like the planet and I get all those places have closed in LA but create one (which I think Shane is going to exercise). But even Bette, Shane and Alice are disjointed in this new iteration. Alice is withal fabulous but what is her s/l really? Her purpose? Finley is and then F'in abrasive and a poor excuse for a homo let alone a supposed Shane 2.0. She'due south but a caricature. She acts impaired and immature and is a moocher and bad-mannered with women which is a existent waste of Jacqueline Toboni'due south interim prowess because normally I love her.

Overall, you know that when the best s/l on a supposedly lesbian bear witness is near a trans gay man, Micah, then at that place's a problem. Why even call information technology the Fifty Word? Again, I get that it can't be dyke 101 similar the original merely they could at least talk over the new wave of queerness facing the customs.

I hope to exist proven wrong and that the 6 epis remaining leave me loving the show just IDK if that'll happen. It seems similar they are trying to be overly diverse and so the diversity gets lost. It'south trying to exist everything and portray everyone and a show just can't be expected to do that.

The terminate of the original 2-60 minutes pilot did two things. 1) Left me wanting more; and 2) was the catalyst for my coming out. And then far 2 episodes into the reboot and it has done and wld not have done either of those things for me. We waited 10 years for The Fifty Give-and-take to come up back but non in this grade. Information technology's a real shame.

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1 /10

A disaster!

I was and so eager to keep upwards with Kit, Helena, Tina, Tasha, etc... and they seemed to vanish in fresh air. I am non able to follow the plot, nor I feel connected to the new characters. I forced myself to scout episode two to see if there was a fiddling more connection. Nope! I didn't happen I'm done with this testify.

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iv /ten

I wanna change my review

I just finished season two episode ane. It was SO BORING I want to go and become drunk and dice in the road. I unremarkably see where the idea is and where it could go just this was so stupid and slow I don't know why it was even written down, let lonely supposedly story boarded, scheduled and shot. How about all the characters dice in an explosion except like 4 of them and information technology'due south a post apocalyptic globe... oh wait that would be too interesting. There is no chemical science, no reason, no substance. It is like they wrote downward a list of all The 50 Give-and-take original was about, deleted all the interesting things, then left a line "lesbians" and then wrote "the stuff y'all regret spending your time with" like it was meant to exist a big joke simply some idiot in the room idea it was a great plan. PULL THIS SHOW OFF THE AIR and put anything else in its identify. Give me the money and I'll give you interesting characters and storylines!

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9 /10

Initially haters were the simply reviews!

Warning: Spoilers

I signed up for Showtime only to watch this new flavor. Subsequently the first 2 episodes I looked at reviews and it was very low. two/10. It seemed as if people that believed it was going to be the same as the showtime series were highly disappointed and writing about it. They just didn't realize that times accept inverse. Its widely accepted and now protected. I idea they did a swell job. I cancelled Outset until next season comes out. Of class the characters have inverse a lot. More than 10 years take gone past. But this series has stories to tell. Since the rating take now gone up. 7/x. I promise we become more episodes next season, and that this series runs for at least as many seasons as the first time around. Thanks Jennifer Beals for your continued representation. You are a true marry to LGBTQ COMMUNITY. I was completely diddled away with Laurel Holloway's cameo appearance. It was so unexpected. Because I truly believed she would not exist in this series at all. When I heard Pam Grier wouldn't exist back, I did suspect that she had died in some form. So, I did run into that coming. Just looking forward to who else does brand cameos in the future.

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ten /10

Original Fan and I love it!

I am apart of the original L Word phenomina and I watched every season and was sad to run across it go! Generation Q had not disappointed. I love these ladies. Slap-up show. Looking frontwards to the new season, fingers crossed...

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9 /10

Worth the wait!!

Ok, so I'm a huge fan of the original 50 Discussion and was worried about a new series....but I think they nailed it! The original characters feel like they've never been away. And information technology took me a few episodes to warm to the new characters simply I quickly became interested in their stories and care about what happens to them. Peachy acting, story telling and a lot of familiarity. Overall, information technology feels like the original L Give-and-take with a modernised twist. Thoroughly enjoyed the two new seasons and hope it's effectually for a while. And I am and then here for Bette and Tina!

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3 /x


An unconvincing new cast (I blame the script not the actors) in a spinoff and so far from the heart of the original it could just every bit easily be a "Melrose Place" for the 21st century. The edginess is completely lost.

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5 /10


I was a fan of the original testify. This new bear witness was disappointing, to say the to the lowest degree. It just doesn't work. Too much emphasis on the implausible running for mayor affair, some of the acting was terrible, and Finley is just annoying. And they are all rich, except for Finley. Information technology merely band true to any of my life feel. And Bette was never one of my favorite characters, anyway.

Shane is, of course, still hot.

And why are all of them wearing as well much makeup?

And where's the fun? And why is Leisha Hailey so skinny? She was so beautiful!

In all, it was a disjointed, wearisome-in-spots attempt.

This ended as though a second flavour is coming, merely I dubiety I'll scout it, unless I'thou desperate.

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8 /10

I'thousand really presently surprised

I beloved that we become a new portion of Fifty word. Overall very shortly surprised over how good information technology is, but still a lot, of room for improvement.

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five /10

Much promise, even more problems

First off, I was very surprised past the warm and fuzzy feelings I got watching Shane, Bette, and Alice come up back to life. I didn't realize I had such L word nostalgia. They were 3 of my favorite characters from the by serial. I was also excited to see the series was either filmed more in LA or shot to include more LA. The show feels like to the past, but in that location are some major issues I can't ignore. Nearly are related to the cast, who I am But Now learning are Not all women over 35 - they picked some very mature looking 20-somethings, and I actually question what they were thinking when they cast the newbies. First, Finley. UHG. The WORST. She cannot act. She dresses like a slob, to the extent I'grand grossed out watching her. Her characters personality is obnoxious and reminds me of all the cocky-important mooches I refused to date in art school. Constantly drunk, needing a shower, wearing muddy poor-fitting apparel, expecting anybody else to pay her style through the world. Her mouth is ever hanging open - I'thousand waiting to see drool dribble out, Plus the hairy pits - ugh, no. I don't care how anti-feminist that makes me seem, information technology's repulsive. If the actress doesn't shave, fine, but do you lot need to include multiple full pit-bush-league shots in the first and only sex scene she was in that didn't involve vomit? I only hated one Fifty word character more than Finley, and that was Tina. I never met anyone who liked Tina. Even to this day, I yell "Close upwardly, Tina!" whenever I see the actress in other work. Dani is OK, but she really is just a poor copy of a mini-Bette. I also don't intendance to proceed exploring the trauma of having a conservative latin family unit not take her, as I've watched that crap injure many people I love. I feel a better message for the new generation is to just accept that a lot of the states have trash parents and getting them to accept our sexuality is not something that should fill up our lives with stress and drama. I'm 35 and frankly, neither of my parents have ever known annihilation nigh my sex life other than grabbing dinner with a couple of people I was/am in long term relationships with, and I LOVE it. Never been happier. Micah is OK, too nervous and timid, only I take learned nothing nearly him aside from his crush on the neighbor he knows zero about. Alice'southward girlfriend is SO deadening. I know the actress is married to Tig Nataro, but watching her in One Mississippi was tedious and she bored the crap out of me there too. She comes off equally too faux-nice to be real, like women I've known who fake meekness and femininity because that'due south the only way they experience lovable. I don't e'er see a person like Alice dating someone then simple and vanilla. What do they even have in common? Sophie seems to just exist to add together a trivial latina spice into scenes (virtually in a cringeworthy token way, but every bit this grapheme has spoken 5 lines in 3 episodes, I'll try non to guess), I know zippo well-nigh her aside from that she always is acting like she'southward a bit boozer or high or ready to party. She gets this look in her eyes - I used to bartend and when people would get that vacant, weak-necked await, I cut them off. The lesbian bartenders - didn't nosotros already watch this? Dawn Denbo and her lover Cindy, correct? Except Dawn and Cindy were much more colorful, exciting, and interesting characters (they weren't any of those things, but they were more than than these new bartenders fighting over Shane). These two could be replaced by new actresses next week and I'd never notice. I can't really call up of as well many other new characters that stood out. The main missing ingredients in this serial compared to the original are SEXINESS and Humour. The sex scenes in this reboot are all very awkward, uncomfortable, a bit gross (spoiler alarm-the series opens with menstruation blood oral sex, which told me correct away that I wasn't going to be able to convince anyone I knew to sentry this bear witness with me). I don't feel whatsoever chemistry between whatever of the couples. And the lack of sense of humor is unfortunate. Alice is "the funny one" yet the funniest matter she did in the starting time three episodes was accept several minutes to decide to take hold of a crock pot for her girlfriends child to throw up in (yet another very gross moment). I feel like the prove is a chip torn in ii directions - i where they seem to be trying to appeal to the new, more fluid and colorful generation, and one where they're continuing the drama of the past. I call back the show CAN work incorporating both, but we demand more than of a span betwixt the groups. I recall one or ii more OG L Word cast members (or a few) need to guest star from time to time (HELENA, delight, she went from the character I hated almost to 1 of my favs in the original series, information technology was awesome watching her autumn, and get back up, and grow. Besides maybe KIT. I would accept loved to see more Dana or Jenny, but they killed those two off :( What about CARMEN? Or JODI??). Too nosotros need something to bring the generations together likewise that they work for Alice. And more FUN! There are NO lesbian bars in all of Los Angeles?! REALLY??? Don't make your audition sit there and sentry people in suits argue politics in part buildings for hours. That stuff really dragged on too much in the original series. Make Bette Mayor, make it fun, inspire your audition, helps them believe anything is possible. That's what nosotros watch Tv for.

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7 /10

What the F discussion with this backfire? The Fifty Word is back and it's not bad at all!

The Fifty Word changed my life. I was a very confused 14 twelvemonth Colombian daughter living in a very minor city with my very Catholic family. I was not old enough to sentinel the show only fk it, I finally understood why I felt out of place and I didn't "get it" when my friends talked about some "boy existence super hot". I realized that I was, and I am, lesbian. I know the testify ended upwardly being crap. Merely we tin't let the bad things overshadow what this bear witness meant, and still means, to people similar me.

My girlfriend and I were afraid of watching this new generation, we were afraid of watching a disaster even worse that what ended up to exist the original show. We were afraid that "The Fifty Word", the lesbian give-and-take, would autumn in the background. I am not against the Q generation, but I practice feel that we lesbians all around the world are losing groovy spaces like for example: all women, lesbian bars. I love that today, people are non afraid of putting on, or not to putting on, a label. Only we need The L Word right now more ever. Yous can see for yourself. Search how many lesbian bars have disappeared all around the globe in the terminal 10 years, it's sorry. There are just a couple left.

I but watched the outset 2 episodes and I experience so happy. I am feeling like a teenager, watching the show on mute with the captions on, every Lord's day at 11pm on school'south nights. Feeling scared and happy at the same fourth dimension. Waiting the whole week just for that 1 hour of television where I could watch women like me. We did be! I was non the simply one!

I call back the choices they made with the quondam characters are nifty. I think this new prove is very smart and it keeps the essence of the first seasons of the original one. I am very happy with this transition.

I really want this show to succeed. I desire to know more virtually the former characters, I desire cameos. Only also, I desire to know more about the new characters. I am very excited and enjoyed the hell out of these episodes.

Aye, the evidence is silly sometimes but it doesn't take itself too seriously and shouldn't we. This show was and all the same is groundbreaking, it's tone varies but the message is very articulate.

I am very glad Jennifer, Leisha and Kate did this. And I am so happy that they are the producers and have a lot of creative power. They can't permit Ilene Chaiken ruin this again.

Lookout it. I was not going to to do it because of the reviews and that is so stupid. Only give it an opportunity.

I love this bandage, they take great chemistry.

This testify is non about fixing the mistakes made in the by. They can't resurrect Dana and, they actually did a great job with the Jenny situation....ane line was more than enough to terminate that mess.

I hope to get a lot of more seasons. Why the LGBTQ+ community hates the LGBTQ+ community then much?

Like for real. I don't get why anyone can be pissed at this show. Simply don't sentry it if y'all don't like it only y'all tin't say it's not a great deal for our community and for us, lesbians.

Lesbian, from Lesbos. The origin of the Fifty word is beautiful. Read about Sappho, read her poems. We should exist proud of it and nosotros should gloat it.

We need more shows like this. Visibility is our all-time allied, don't forget that.

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4 /ten

Disappointed in the writing interim and directing

Was the budget cutting. Please requite me a skillful explanation for this final product. Cheesy bad soap opera music during scenes make this feel like a cheap knock off. Where are my directors from the original show. The story line for the new characters are woefully underwhelming. I want to care near these new folks just y'all just didn't write a story I intendance about. No depth. Waiting this many years for that episode was such a let down which brings me to the acting. Oh my God, I get it. They criticized the original for not having gay actresses. I'd rather see an fantabulous Straight actress play gay than a mediocre gay extra play anything. I go it the crew allows you to make your cheque boxes but it was unnecessary. Finally permit's face up it. While I hate to say it, there was a lot of eye candy on the start prove making it appealing to almost everyone gay or directly. I'yard guessing this season is a wrap hopefully it will ameliorate. PS, ok, 2nd prove a footling better...................... hung in there and I believe it'south less of bad interim because I see they all have potential only aren't given much to work with in the writing. These are definitely not the best writers and are definitely not the aforementioned writers from seasons ane-half dozen. It feels similar a narrated picture show without debt and character development. Forced. I really want to intendance virtually Dani and Sophie'south relationship. It'due south hard. Bette storyline is so far the best and I do love her human relationship with Angie. I'll admit I look her to "win win win" so this is different for her. The directing is simply slightly better than the writing at this stage. Stop with the cliff notes or L give-and-take for dummies series. My thoughts in a nutshell. Tongue in cheek. Show me, don't just tell me so I can experience and intendance more. And yep, I'm non of the 140 character generation.

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2 /10

Very unwatchable

Warning: Spoilers

This evidence is so painful to watch that i makes me cry! These new characters are so bleak, you lot couldn't care less about them and how interesting all of them are not white like that was suppose to make testify super interesting. What bothers me the virtually probably is that old characters are non even mentioned (except Dana to whom we already know what had happened), like why the bar got name Dana's and not Jenny's? She was the courage of the show merely I am sure the creators decided to not mention her due to all the butch detest she got dorsum in the time. What happened to Max? Where is he and his baby? Sure we heard that Kit overdosed though no more than of a backstory similar when and how that happened. Why is Bette the chief flagman of Angelica and what has happened with Tina? Helena somebody? How all these people just dissapearead from being "best friends" to not even mentioning them... especially Jenny. This sho ever had many flaws only this now is just ridiculous. I like though that we finally come across a trans woman being lesbian or do nosotros now that? This trans guy is so unsympathetic to watch. Hope this show doesn't get renewed.

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4 /10

What the heck?

I watched season 1 and it was odd compared to original. New characters and new direction. But I watched information technology a few times to see past my ain expectations as I was excited before first watch, a little disappointed at first viewing, and then 2d time around was better simply could have been better at times. At present started season ii and it's then deadening I continue shutting my eyes and trying not to roll my eyeballs dorsum in boredom. Is this bear witness bad because it's produced by actors? They should know what works with all the work they've done and information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to see what succeeded and got positive post-obit and what should never be done again. I'm watching the concept of the evidence but I could do a hell of a lot improve and ameliorate every single episode and concept. They need to hire a producer who brings in the flash, the bang, the story and character arch, the meat to the table. This entire prove so far is side dish, not artsy and not interesting only it SHOULD be. NOTE TO Cast AND Coiffure: Wake the hell up and brand this evidence interesting and stop feeding u.s.a. wearisome crap.

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i /10


This show was created with fiddling to no consideration for the original fan base. The writing and directing is horrible. The acting is bland and the chemical science is not the aforementioned with the 3 OG'due south. In my opinion, the prove needs more of the original bandage members back. I only don't encounter the purpose of rebooting a show just to destroy the legacy of the original. Which leaves me to question, why did we need this reboot?

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