Review of Melaleuca - Peak Performance for Diabetics


The number of people living with diabetes in the Uk has soared by 59.viii per cent in a decade, according to a new assay by Diabetes UK.

The new figures, extracted from official NHS information from the Quality and Outcomes Framework, 2004-05 to 2013-14, show that there are at present iii,333,069 people diagnosed with diabetes, which is an increment of more than 1.2 million adults compared with twelve years ago when, in 2005, at that place were 2,086,041 people diagnosed with the condition. This doesn't take into account the 590,000 adults estimated to have been undiagnosed with diabetes in 2013-2014.

Diabetes is a disease that seems to be on the increase!

May be an historic period affair simply I notice more and more than people I know that are being diagnosed with or have been dealing with Diabetes for a while. The recently diagnosed are experiencing the debilitating symptoms of beingness diabetic.   And nigh of these are active people who want to stay active. Tiredness seems to be an issue even with the acme ups of Mars bars etc.

This made me desire to see if there was annihilation that Melaleuca produce could possibly help these people.

Below are testimonials of people that have used Melaleuca products while managing diabetes .

This is non intended equally a diagnosis or a medical trial its just  real peoples experience

Customer Reviews of Melaleuca use with Diabetes

More Energy

I have been a diabetic for 33 years and have been on an insulin pump for the past 5 years. I recently started using the Peak Performance pack, jail cell wise and the accomplish bars. Within the past 8 days I've had to lower my insulin doses twice. I was on a total of 24 units of insulin in a 24 hour catamenia, and now I am down to nineteen.iv units in a 24 hour period.

This is great, because not merely is my command of my diabetes getting better, but I am starting to feel so much better, and I take more energy. If you know people that have type 1 or 2 diabetes I would definitely share these products with them, it volition definitely aid amend their quality
of life with diabetes!

Need to Subtract his Insulin

I would like to share with you my husband's story regarding Melaleuca and diabetes. Ron is a Type II diabetic. My husband has been a diabetic for xxx years. Nosotros found Melaleuca on recommendation from a friend. Due to this suggest we immediately started taking the Peak Perfomance Pack.

He saw an firsthand need to decrease his insulin. When they came out with the new upgraded Provex CV, we switched and again he lowered his insulin (he is VERY insulin resistant). A year ago we upped his dosage from 1/40 pounds of body weight to 1/30 pounds of body weight. AGAIN he had to decrease his insulin.

Overall, he has decreased his insulin usage past xl-50%

Other benefits – he is no longer getting water blisters on the shins of his legs. In the iv 1/2 since started using Melaleuca products nosotros both have had only an occasional slight common cold. We are both very grateful for the Melaleuca products.

I use the Renew balm on his peel as dryness seems to exist worse I was using a prescription lotion with lanolin. Its much better now.


GC Command.

My mum who has been diabetic for years with fasting sugars over 120. After i week on the supplements and GC control, her sugars are ranging between 55 and 75!

She had to reduce her meds!

Severe Diabetic Retinopathy

I have had diabetes for over 36 years, through the years I have developed a few of the complications with this condition. I have astringent diabetic retinopathy in my eyes, when I was advised to become to the Mayo Dispensary I was told they were not sure if they could save my sight. Other things started happening, such every bit my cholesterol level was high, my blood glucose levels were harder to command, plus the Doctor said I was showing signs of kidney impairment.

My friend Patti asked if she could evidence me most some products she heard helped other diabetics, I hesitantly agreed to meet with her thinking information technology was going to be "one of those". Patti and her friend Vicki came and showed me about a visitor called Melaleuca, the vitamins they offered and all the wonderful properties of the Melaleuca oil.

I beginning tried the oil and a few of the cleaning products. Using the oil in merely a few different situations, I institute it to heal various problems like athlete'south foot, a boil, burns, cuts etc, in just a short amount of time, this was very impressive as ordinarily, I took longer to heal with this status. I decided to endeavour the vitamins to see if they were equally expert equally they made them audio, as they had a 90 day guarantee so I could return them if they didn't piece of work for me. Within a month I really could experience the increased amount of energy, others could also tell that I felt better.

Later on the beginning twelvemonth of taking the Meridian Functioning Pack my cholesterol was back to the normal range, my vision and my blood force per unit area improved, I did non have whatsoever bladder infection problems which had been a constant battle and I just felt meliorate all around.

To shorten the story I now take on a daily basis:
ThePeak PerformancePack (love the new packets!),
Replenex, 2 to 3 per twenty-four hour period and Nutraview 2 a mean solar day.

Since I started taking the Nutraview I have noticed an improvement in my dark vision and the cataracts that I was told I might demand to have removed in half-dozen months take non grown whatever larger. I was told at my last eye exam that my vision again has improved some

I have been using an insulin pump for three years at present and use the liquid soap for cleaning the infusion injection site and the Renew Bath Oil when I remove the infusion to alter the site and take had no problems with infections or healing.?

I use the Admission bar before doing any strenuous exercise, which helps maintain my blood sugar and the Achieve drinks and confined when I demand a quick meal. We employ many of the Melaleuca products through out our home now and would not be without them!
Jan Coon


My husband has diabetes. In improver to him eating properly, I accept him on the Vitality Pak, Provex Plus, Provex CV, this is an important one, as you lot know diabetics commonly don't accept great circulation and the Provex CV helps, I as well take him on Prostavan, and Jail cell Wise. He goes to the doctors every iii months for blood work and then far his has been right on the money. His doctors are impressed and and so is he. He now only uses the Melaleuca products.


How these Products Have Changed My Life

I accept been using the Melaleuca products for three years, and these products have changed my life. I desire to share the dissimilar ways that these products have helped me, so possibly they can assist y'all.

The starting time product that had an touch on on me was the molar polish. I was having a tarter trouble with my teeth. I calendar month after going to the dentist my teeth would have tarter on them. My dentist wanted me to come in every 3 months, but I did not want to go considering I did non like the pain that took identify when they scraped my teeth.  Due to using the Tooth Smooth, Breath Abroad and the dental record, I at present become to the dentist in one case a year with very little plaque. My gums do non bleed and I tin can This not simply keeps my teeth and gums clean, but is saves me a lot of money.

I did not use the vitamins at first as I idea that they price likewise much and that the fructose compounded minerals in the vitamins would enhance my blood sugar. We found that we were able to relieve money using the safe cleaning products and then we decided to share the products with a few friends.

One of our friends was a biological science teacher. My biology instructor friend asked me if I used the vitamins. I told him that I did not every bit I felt that they were likewise expensive and I was concerned nearly the fructose in them. Since our bodies are so mineral deficient, he felt that this delivery organisation, that is patented, could get the minerals into my cells. He did not feel that their could exist too much fructose in them, which I found out that the amount of fructose in the daily recommended corporeality of vitamins was equivalent to eating one scarlet.

I still resisted considering of the cost, but then I could effort them at no chance for 90 days. This meant that it would not cost me anything to effort them as complimentary is less expensive than cheap. In that showtime month on the programme I started having insulin reactions and my claret sugars ran lower than they used to. I am on an insulin pump so information technology was like shooting fish in a barrel for me to adjust my insulin intake, as I tested my blood sugars 4 times a day.

During this first calendar month I was able to lower my need for insulin about ten%.  I started by taking 6 capsules a day for tissue saturation. This is when you accept i Provex for each 25 pounds of body weight. I weigh 160 pounds so I took enough for 150 pounds. I started taking 6 capsules per twenty-four hours on Th and I had 3 insulin reactions on Saturday and three insulin reactions on Sunday. I reduced my insulin intake by another 10% and then I had good command again. I am now taking 8 units of insulin for breakfast instead of 10 units. Because of what happened to me, I would non encourage diabetics to have more than two Provex a day to start off with. I would then work up gradually to the saturation dose and suit your insulin.  I can non believe that I have cut my insulin intake by 20%, and that I demand less sleep and I over all feel amend.

Melaleuca has helped me brand it through some tough times in my life. Some of the other Melaleuca products that have actually helped me are the Antibacterial Liquid Lather that I use to make clean my site surface area for my insulin pump and I have never had an infection. I too use the soap to clean my easily earlier I test my blood four times a day. My fingers practice not get dry because I don't utilise the alcohol swabs. I utilise the T36 C5 on whatsoever cuts and specially on my feet too as the Triple Antibiotic Ointment for healing. The Renew Skin Lotion is great for conditioning the peel of the anxiety.

My leg muscles used to burn down all the time as I jog from 3 to 8 miles a twenty-four hour period. By exercising my insulin seems to work amend. I am now able to eat a whole Access Bar and when I run 5 miles, and my blood carbohydrate will be the same at the end of my run.

I also use the Sustain or Attain for a snack and they take 2.5 units of insulin. These products sense of taste bang-up and they do non ship my blood sugars sky high. These products have really enhanced my life. Before I got on the vitamins, I didn't heal that well. I use accept to put force per unit area on my finger for upwardly to a minute to terminate the haemorrhage when I tested my blood. Today I just wipe it off. I have recently started taking theReplenex every solar day and my insulin need has dropped some other five%.
John H

Increased Circulatory Benefits – A Personal Experience

Last spring I went to my xxx twelvemonth high school reunion. One of my dearest friends walked like he had very tender feet. I asked him why he was walking and then tender footed and he said, "Terrilee, my feet have been cold and in pain for years due to my diabetes." He is a respiratory therapist and stands on his feet for 12 hours a day! I told him that I was going to send him iii bottles from my health catalog and I wanted him to take four in the am and 4 in the pm – gift from me. Robbie is a very large human and that is why I started him on so much. I got a call a few days later on and he said, "I accept used the supplements for Six DAYS and my feet are warm and not in pain for the first fourth dimension in years." If he forgets to accept them then he is in pain. ProvexPlus opens the capillary circulation (which is very poor in diabetes) and therefore is powerful in helping movement blood through the torso.  Melaleuca has such a powerful catalog for diabetes considering of the healing backdrop of the Melaleuca oil and the increased circulatory benefits through ProvexPlus. Share this with a Diabetic person!! They'll exist thanking y'all ! -Terrilee

Incredible Results All Round!

Finally last calendar week the Medico was able to pin bespeak my ill health, it was really good health. Since going on to the Melaleuca Peak Operationmy body has not been this well, that combined with my weight loss and Admission Bars, I was just very salubrious. So why was I so ill, well my doctor did non believe that I could amend so quickly so I have been over-medicated for both my allergic rhyinitus and my diabetes.

This has made me very tired, and given my viral symptoms.
Finally 2 weeks ago I had a glucose feed tube test where my reaction to glucose was measured against my medication, I also had a HBC1 blood test. Well the ideal figure is under 7, merely all diabetics are over 7 so we are given medication to bring us down to 7. My last reading was xi in September and then I was medicated to reduce this. My reading came back ii weeks ago equally 6.4! This is amazing, as I had stopped taking some of my medication because I kept passing out. An amazed Doctor wrote excellent on my chart for the starting time time in my life, after a week of the new drugs I am feeling similar a new adult female.

I take also had my allergy medication reduced.  So in telling the doctor of our long flight I asked if I should accept aspirin equally he had recommended in the past, NO he said what ever yous are doing to your blood with that mela stuff continue doing it.

So after some vii months of feeling really ill, I am back on track and well. Now practise you think Melaleuca should put a health warning on their products to say 'Beware this could brand you well and you may demand to reduce man made products with side affects if you lot utilize these products' As an aside I have lost 51 lbs on Access Confined since Oct when they arrived and I look somewhat different to the time when I started using them.. If always y'all need a product story on Access and the Daily 4 Life changing an English girls life and then hither it is.

Sue Mansfield , Kent , United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland


I wanted to write and tell yous about the difference that Melaleuca
supplements have made in my life. I am 32, and was diagnosed with
diabetes during my last pregnancy (ii years ago). I was in deprival for
about 6 months (later our son was built-in), and did admittedly zippo for
my diabetes. I didn't check my blood sugar, nor accept insulin. Nothing.
I finally accustomed the diagnosis and decided to do something most it.

I started taking my blood saccharide, just to get a proficient idea of where it was
at. I was startled to notice out that after only 6 months information technology was high,
averaging about 200. I then fabricated an appointment with my doctor and then she
could help me make up one's mind on my insulin doses. She noticed my blood sugars
were running around 200, depending upon what I had eaten and the amount
of exercise I had done. I started off with about 75 units of insulin a
day. I couldn't have oral medications because I was breastfeeding my
son. I had a HBA1C of Normal is 0-half-dozen.5. She said it was a bit
higher than the terminal ane of, so she upped my dose of insulin to
between 80 and 100 units. I was feeling run down, and crabby, tired,
unable to slumber, always edgy, and felt terrible in general.

A expert friend introduced me to Melaleuca in August of this twelvemonth, and I
began taking the vitamins on September 1st. I was very skeptical, and was
Sure that Melaleuca would be giving me my coin back in 90 days.  I didn't notice whatever difference in the kickoff two weeks, or
fifty-fifty three weeks. B

ut a few days after my 4th week started, I sabbatum down
and took a good look at my blood sugar recording diary. I noticed that
I had non been taking any more than 40 units of insulin a mean solar day, down from
80-100. On occasion, I do have to use a fleck more insulin in the
morn, one time again depending upon my night snack, and/or exercise.

My fasting blood sugar is now much closer to acceptable: 115-140, my
bedtime claret sugar has been running effectually 140, downward from 200 only one
calendar month before. I accept noticed a huge increase in energy, I am able to
get to sleep and sleep longer, I am much more relaxed, and I generally
feel much meliorate. I tin attribute a lot of this to the Peak Functioning
that I have been taking faithfully every solar day since September 1st. I
take also incorporated a short 30-infinitesimal walk into my morning routine.
I am sure this has something to do with my blood sugar results too.
Hopefully this will help someone you know.

Tammy Pearce


I am a 30 year insulin dependent blazon 1 diabetic. Currently, I use an insulin pump and Humalog insulin. I take high blood pressure, take had 2 heart attacks. Take had vision problems and serious neuropathy damage. When I review all of the procedures I have had over the last 15 years, it is frightening to say the least. Here is the list:

The following tin be the upshot of many years of non agreement and non facing Sugar Diabetes:

i. Neuropathy of the feet and many surgeries treating infections including finally broken foot bones and many foot ulcers.

ii. Amputation of three fingers on my left hand due to staff infections and poor blood sugar command.

iii. Many, many laser surgeries for hemorrhaging of the optics and finally vitrectomys
completed in each eye. This has been very successful for stopping the hemorrhaging.

4. Left leg amputated below the left knee due to unsuccessful healing of the foot and neuropathy. I walk with a prosthetic leg.

5. Triple by-pass heart surgery.

half dozen. Fighting infections with every cut, scrap or cicatrice potentially turning into an ulcer.

The Melaleuca oil is the all-time daily medication I employ for protection and fighting infection. I have saved thousands of dollars from the cost of conventional wound centers by using Melaleuca oil. This is a must for diabetics. I also experience tremendously dry peel and have caused many ulcers to form due to callus and keen. The Renew skin lotion does the trick. I appreciate your efforts in teaching about diabetics and cardiovascular care. Melaleuca is the preventative mensurate along with diet and do. I have learned though, I have to take responsibility of my diabetes. I used to think that my doctor always could medicate my problems.

My height is 6'one″ and I weigh 212. I am working on reducing my weight to 185.

Jim B


For The First Time He Was Given the Same Life Insurance Charge per unit as Non-Diabetics.

The following is a instance of a male diabetic who is approximately 46 years of age, he has never been over weight, and he has a good diet and is self-employed and owns a physical therapy clinic. He has been taking insulin past injection for over 14 years. I explained to him the importance of anti-oxidants, the mineral chromium and the herbal extract ginko biloba on glucose metabolism. For diabetics the less insulin that they take to utilize to lower their blood carbohydrate levels the better. This also holds truthful for everyone. The amount of sugar in your blood is a result of what you eat. According to Dr. Simeon Margolis, M. D., Ph. D. , professor of medicine and biological chemistry Johns HopkinsMedical Schoolhouse, loftier blood insulin levels tin can put people at take chances for loftier blood pressure and eye disease. High claret insulin hastens the development of arteriosclerosis and enhances the germination of blood clots causing a stroke or centre assault.

Go on in mind that sucrose or white table sugar triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin helps ship sugars from the blood stream into the cells where it can be used for energy. Even though the carbohydrate is utilized rather rapidly, insulin continues to circulate in the blood for hours. Insulin helps to promote the degradation of fats and cholesterol into the walls of arteries co-ordinate to the British Medical Journal, (Lancet 87; 1:1077-1079) and the journal (Prog. Cardiovascular Disease. 84;26:355-372. )

Later explaining to my friend the importance of various nutrients that are known to help subtract insulin requirements, I convinced him to attempt the Vitality Pack and the Provex CV. If he did non notice a divergence in his insulin requirements and didn't feel ameliorate overall, and so he could return these products for a full refund. The only stipulation was that he exist consistent with the daily-recommended dosages and that he Check HIS Claret GLUCOSE at least 2 to iii times per solar day.

Afterwards 30 days I called and asked him what he had experienced. He was very pleased and informed me that his blood glucose level has never been this stable and consistent. He also felt better and his wife stated that he was much easier to go along with! He agreed to set up-up an business relationship and wanted to first ownership Melaleuca products for himself, his domicile and for his clinic. Two weeks agone he informed me that he applied for life insurance again, and for the offset fourth dimension he was given the same rate every bit non-diabetics. Needless to say, he now feels that information technology is time to first telling a few more of his friends and patients well-nigh these products that have helped him.

Melaleuca, has products that can help people. If their products were not effective then they would not however be in business.

I realize that most people are skeptical and that is to be expected, but when you can solve some ones problem, then they will be more willing to listen.

1. One of reason for the success in this instance is due to the fact that the patented fructose chelated minerals that are pre-bonded to the fructose molecule. Most minerals in supplemental form are poorly absorbed. The fructose minerals in the Vitality Pak have a loftier rate of absorption allowing them to enter the cell. Considering the fact that fructose is a carbohydrate, and under normal circumstances carbohydrates are seldom eliminated in the urine. Carbohydrates are used for fuel in the form of glucose, converted to glycogen for hereafter fuel reserves or converted to fat. When the diabetic is able to absorb the mineral chromium, studies have shown that chromium volition subtract fasting claret sugar levels, better glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, state decrease total cholesterol and fat levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol. (JAMA 1995; 73:1849-1854)

2. The anti-oxidant benefits from the Provex CV, which is a super anti-oxidant, helps to reduce further diabetic complications that result from free radicals damaging the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Flavonoids, like grape seed, grape skin, bilberry, ginko biloba and especially quercitin, promote insulin secretion and inhibit the aggregating of sorbitol in the tissues and claret.


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